Binary file handling

Dmitri Pissarenko dmitri.pissarenko at
Thu Jan 8 10:30:10 GMT 2009



I read

> That said, bzr is primarily a source code control system, not a media archive system. So it is not a
> priority to support enormous (hundred-megabyte) binaries or multi-gigabyte trees. There are other tools better suited to that.

I have a Java project with many binary files (actually, it is a JBoss
Seam project). These binary files are Java libraries (JARs, more than
100 MB) and it is not possible to build them from source code with
little effort. It is essential that changes of these binaries are
tracked, otherwise it may happen that the system suddenly doesn't work
- nothing has changed in the source code, but some binary has a
different version.

Imagine following situation: You have a test environment (JBoss
application server in this case) against which you test your system.
You want to make sure that any changes to this test environment
(directory with many large binary files) are tracked somehow (and that
you can revert any change).

If I want to

a) use Bazaar for version control for this project and
b) somehow control changes of binary files (with Bazaar or some other tool),

what tools may I use for this?

Thanks in advance

Dmitri Pissarenko

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