multiple developers commit different files to same bound branch
Vaclav Bilek
vaclav.bilek at
Thu Jan 8 08:22:48 GMT 2009
Thank you for your comment.
You are right that I am coming from CVS (and later SVN) world.
The reason why I look for the solution I described is folowing:
- my development team is about 5 to 7 people
- we process working trees of sizes about:
- 1000-20000 files (structured in balanced directory tree)
- the total disk space occupied (by working tree) is about 15GB
- every project has about 3 working trees in parallel (three developers)
- there are about 5 projects like this per year
- the number of commits in each project vary from 300 to 2000 per project
And that is the reason why is very hard (because of the disk space and
the time) to have for each developer his own branch.
Generally I don't want to use SVN what has "pristine copy".
I like Bazaar because of its lightweight checkouts.
For some developers I need distributed VCS so that is the reason I don't
want to use CVS.
So another question: Is there another schema I can use with Bazaar for
the task I described above?
Best regards
Vaclav Bilek
John Arbash Meinel wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Vaclav Bilek wrote:
>> Hi
>> I have some newbie question I did not find answer for in other sources.
>> Imagine following situation - centralized model:
>> I have shared repository without trees - SHARED_REPO.
>> In this repository I have branch MY_BRANCH
>> From this repository you I have checked out two working trees A and B.
>> Each of this working tree is used by two different developers.
>> I do change in both working trees in different files.
>> Now I commit changes in working tree A.
>> And after that I commit my changes in working tree B - now the problem
>> occurs.
>> Based on what I know I must first update the whole working tree B and
>> than do the commit - and that is what I don't want.
>> The other symptom of this "feature" is that it is not easy to get the
>> list of changes what has been done by other developers in the main
>> branch (the branch my working tree is bound to).
>> I enclosed bash shell script what can test what I described above. It
>> will fail in the step 9.
>> I am new to bazaar and I like it very much but this is critical feature
>> for me and my team so I would be happy if someone could explain me what
>> am I doing wrong.
> The basic issue is that you are using a shared branch, when you don't
> want the branch to be shared.
> If you don't want to have to update in order to commit, then the
> developers should be working on separate branches.
> I would guess your background is either SVN or CVS which does not
> enforce the 'whole-tree' being consistent. (Which means that if you
> commit to file a & b, and they commit to files c & d then you don't have
> to update first. And you only have to update if you both of you commit
> to file a.)
> However, we believe that is actually a mis-feature in SVN, because it
> means that if someone else grabs the branch, then they get something
> that did not exist when *you* committed, nor when the other person
> committed. Because the new tree has the changes to all of a,b,c,d.
> I'm not sure exactly what you mean by "list of changes what has been
> done by other developers". I have some ideas, but I'm wondering what you
> expected to work or how you expected to get that information.
> If I was to give a recommendation, I would say that you should work on
> independent branches, and then you can use things like "bzr missing
> OTHER_DEVELOPERS_BRANCH" to see what is different, and then "bzr merge
> OTHER_DEVELOPERS_BRANCH" to incorporate their changes into yours.
>> Best regards
>> Vaclav Bilek
> John
> =:->
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