[MERGE] Fix #175520 by implementing a --deep option for log
Ian Clatworthy
ian.clatworthy at internode.on.net
Tue Jan 6 23:32:18 GMT 2009
Vincent Ladeuil wrote:
>>>>>> "Ian" == Ian Clatworthy <ian.clatworthy at internode.on.net> writes:
> So, in that patch, can we agree on handling only two cases as
> done here ?:
> - file -> file id against the working tree by default
> - file -> any file id if --old is used
> Otherwise we need yet another mean to access even older file ids.
I can agree to that. Part of my point though was that your patch
isn't finding old file-ids and using them: it's matching on names
(which is great) but then doesn't use the file-ids found.
Practically, it probably doesn't matter in 99% of cases *but* bzr
is unique partly because we (claim to) handle renames correctly,
so that implies we ought to use the file-id once we know it IMO.
> I should have explained my motivations better though (but I'd
> really like if Robert could elaborate on why he thinks it's a
> bug?): I view the actual display of the merging revisions as a
> bug or a misfeature or may be just one more missing option due
> to:
> - our actual dotted revno numbering scheme,
> - the fact that we don't display revisions *removing* a file.
The latter is a bug right?
> I'm almost sure that the main reason they are displayed here is
> to identify the mainline merging revision *number* to reuse that
> number for either another bzr log or a bzr annotate. If we had a
> dotted revno numbering where merged revisions start with mainline
> merging revno instead... they won't be needed anymore.
> As in:
> - do 'log -v FILE' and get just the revisions modifying the file
> (as a rough sieve),
> - from there do 'log -c mainline.revno' from the interesting
> dotted revno[s] obtained above
I suspect it's more than the merging revision number that's
interesting to users, e.g. the message and committer are useful.
Using multiple log commands is certainly a workaround.
> I know the argument is pretty weak (even if I *used* it in real
> life because I couldn't find another way to find such scenarios),
> but on the other hand, I also feel that log is the main tool to
> explore a project history and I don't think we offer all the
> needed basic features and the ability to combine them.
> 'missing' for example select revisions in a way that can't be
> reproduced from log. Marius Kruger's attempt with
> [MERGE][RFC][1.11] implement `missing --revision 3..4
> --other-revision 3..4` should, IMHO, be doable by log (it isn't
> right now).
> So I think *that* patch is just scratching the surface of a
> deeper problem.
I'm yet to look at Marius' patch and the discussion around it.
I hope to soon.
> robert> I don't like it because, it makes log -v FILE
> robert> meaningless, every leaf revision will show just the
> robert> files name.
> And the associated action yes (added, modified, deleted). That's
> meaningful for me.
> Note that the main motivation here is that log -v FILE on big to
> huge working trees is actually *useless*, the generated output
> also being impossible to grep unless we make it possible to use a
> different format (see the thread named '[RFC] About log [-v]
> [--deep] [file|dir]*').
> Since it sounds that both points of view can't be reconciled, do
> we need one more option or should we just use verbosity_level ?
> In that case '-vv' will restore the previous behavior ?
I think using verbosity_level is sufficient.
> Ian> I'd like to see the help for the log command expanded
> Ian> quite a bit as part of this patch. I think it needs to
> Ian> explain file-id-based vs file-path-based logging and
> Ian> include examples of both.
> Ok, I could use some help here though :)
One of the good things about writing the help first is that
it can assist in teasing out the right UI. I call it HDD. :-)
> Ian> Can't you just put the two if blocks after each other
> Ian> with exactly the same effect? In fact, it really feels
> Ian> like the checking of path_filter needs to go higher in
> Ian> the code, as a parameter to either
> Ian> calculate_view_revisions() or make_log_rev_iterator().
> Unfortunately, no.
> To elaborate: I first tried to do it at a higher level (in
> calculate_view_revisions like _filter_revisions_touching_file_id)
> but the consequence is that the revisions are then selected
> *before* any display occurs.
> This is a key design choice for file_id (which quickly identified
> the revisions) but --old means *all* revisions should be searched
> and that's slow as hell (It can't take minutes or even hours with
> our actual formats). So doing the filtering here, means some
> display occurs early and at least the user can start reading
> while we search the rest.
Sure, but enhancing make_log_rev_iterator() is the other higher
location in the code and it shouldn't suffer from the same
> >> + def test_log_old_file_deep(self):
> >> + log = self.run_bzr(['log', '-v', '--short', '--deep', 'f1'])[0]
> >> + # revnos 1 and 2 appear and mention adding and deleting f1
> >> + self.assertContainsRe(log, '(?sm)^ +2 joe.*D f1\n.*^ +1 joe.*A f1\n')
> >> + self.assertNotContainsRe(log, '(?sm)^ +3 joe')
> Ian> Hmmm, this is testing exactly the same parameters as
> Ian> "test_log_file_deep_short".
> Same parameters but a different file (f1 instead of f2) with a
> different history.
I got that. :-) At a minimum, I'd put the two tests next to each
other (or combine them even).
> Ian> In summary, thanks for working on this - getting a
> Ian> rich-featured, bug-free, high-performing log command
> Ian> is quite a challenge for us given our UI desires.
> Ian> I like most of the refactoring you did but feel this
> Ian> patch isn't ready for merging just yet, at least not
> Ian> without a bit more discussion re the UI and implementation
> Ian> alternatives.
> That's why I also started *two* related threads:
> - [RFC] About log [-v] [--deep] [file|dir]*
> - [RFC] How various commands display revisions
> Don't hesitate to give feedback there too,
OK. I remember reading the latter but suspect I missed the first
one. I'll look it up soon.
Ian C.
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