bzr init showing info - time to revert it?

Marius Kruger amanic at
Mon Jan 5 17:04:23 GMT 2009

2009/1/5 Robert Collins <robertc at>

> I'd really like to revert the change made to show the output of 'bzr
> info' after init.

I'm willing to fix this once we know what we want. (since I did the original

> If the main thing is that we want to change away from an approach of
> silent-commands-when-things-worked, well lets do that. The appropriate
> output for 'init' in that case would be the action taken, not the full
> info of the resulting tree.

fine. would the following be acceptable:

=== current ===
$ bzr init /tmp/x
Standalone tree (format: pack-0.92)
  branch root: x
=== new ===
$ bzr init /tmp/x
Created a standalone tree (format: pack-0.92)

=== current ===
$ bzr init-repo /tmp/r
Shared repository with trees (format: pack-0.92)
  shared repository: r

$ bzr init /tmp/r/x
Repository tree (format: pack-0.92)
  shared repository: r
  repository branch: r/x

=== new ===
$ bzr init-repo /tmp/r
Created a shared repository with trees (format: pack-0.92)

$ bzr init /tmp/r/x
Created a repository tree (format: pack-0.92)
Shared repository: /tmp/r

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