No subject

Mon Jan 5 09:23:20 GMT 2009

but it's not present in the code anywhere?

> +    def test_get_and_insert_record_stream(self):
> +        builder = self.make_branch_builder('test',
> +            format=self.repository_format._matchingbzrdir)
> +        builder.start_series()
> +        builder.build_snapshot('A', None, [
> +            ('add', ('', 'TREE_ROOT', 'directory', None)),
> +            ('add', ('file', 'f-id', 'file', 'content A\n'))])
> +        builder.build_snapshot('B', ['A'], [
> +            ('modify', ('f-id', 'content-A\ncontent-B\n'))])
> +        builder.finish_series()
> +        b = builder.get_branch()
> +        self.assertEqual(b.repository._format, self.repository_format)

At a minimum, this test needs a few more comments because
insert_record_stream and get_record_stream aren't obviously being
called, let alone being tested. The significance of the last assert
is lost on me, but that probably just reflects my ignorance. I guess
plenty of others will be equally ignorant :-) so a different test
name and/or more comments here please.

> +    def test_allowed_compression_parents(self):
> +        index = self.two_graph_index()

The docstring for this particular two_graph_index method has a
cut and paste bug, explaining a delta parameter that doesn't exist.
Please tweak that when merging (after final approval).

The rest looks OK to me.

Ian C.

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