No subject

Fri Nov 28 17:05:26 GMT 2008

  | Assume that bar and baz are registered under bzr, foo is not.
  | Running the command below (-v -S is what emacs uses for the vc-dir command):
  |    bzr status -v -S foo bar baz
  | results in:
  |    bzr: ERROR: Path(s) do not exist: foo
  | nothing is shown about the other 2 files.
  | The other arguments should not be just ignored, their status is
  | still useful.
  | If more that one file does is not registered, printing a
  | bzr: ERROR: Path(s) do not exist:
  | line for each one is fine.
  | This type of operation occurs in normal usage in emacs when using
  | the vc-dir GUI.


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