scmproj: testing project: bzr.exe.project as bzr.exe building workspace

Alexander Belchenko bialix at
Tue Dec 23 22:12:58 GMT 2008

Alexander Belchenko пишет:
> Some notes:
> 1) command project-get put the local copy of the project in the current
> directory.
> I think it should be fixed to conform typical bzr behavior when branch
> clone
> created (by default) in the subdirectory named with basename of branch URL.

Filed as bug

> 3) Project configuration has 2 alts defined: DEFAULT is trunk, it allow you
> to work with trunk branches of all components. Another one is "1.9", it
> allows you to recreate environment used for 1.9 release (I've created it
> based
> on data from script).

I've added new alt 1.10 based on recent patch for from John Meinel.

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