using bazaar as root

Barry Warsaw barry at
Fri Dec 19 23:41:18 GMT 2008

Hash: SHA1

On Dec 19, 2008, at 6:25 PM, Jelmer Vernooij wrote:

> I'm not sure if this means file permissions will never be supported,  
> but
> there are certainly other features higher on the wishlist.

Is it a problem in practice?

I've been version controlling my /etc files for years using Subversion  
(I'm hoping to find some quality time over the holidays to finally  
convert my repository to bzr).  I've never really had a problem with  
file permissions or ownership.  I did have lots of problems getting  
this all set up with Subversion, which I won't go into details about  
right now.

However, once set up, it's been very smooth to version control the / 
etc files.  I generally ssh into the box in question, then sudo  
(preserving the env) to do commits, and it seems to work just fine.   
Preservation of perms/ownership is key here, although when I'm  
(un?)lucky enough to have to set up a new machine, the initial  
checkout of an existing /etc layout is problematic - mostly because of  
those hinted at svn problems.

Day-to-day though, it's never a problem.  Would you expect more  
problems with bzr in this regard?

- -Barry

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (Darwin)


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