[MERGE] Fix #306879 by mentioning the base revision id in the 'BASE' conflict marker lines

John Arbash Meinel john at arbash-meinel.com
Fri Dec 19 19:19:57 GMT 2008

John Arbash Meinel has voted comment.
Status is now: Semi-approved
+    def test_show_base(self):
+        self.create_conflicts()
+        self.run_bzr(['merge', '../other'], retcode=1)
+        self.run_bzr(['remerge',  '--show-base', 'hello'], retcode=1)
+        tree = WorkingTree.open('.')
+        self.assertEqualDiff('<<<<<<< TREE\n'
+                             'Hello, world\n'
+                             '||||||| BASE-REVISION\n'
+                             'hi world\n'
+                             '=======\n'
+                             'Hello.\n'
+                             '>>>>>>> MERGE-SOURCE\n',
+                             tree.get_file_text(tree.path2id('hello')))
+    def test_show_base_show_ids(self):
+        self.create_conflicts()
+        self.run_bzr(['merge', '../other'], retcode=1)
+        self.run_bzr(['remerge',  '--show-base', '--show-ids', 
+                     retcode=1)
+        tree = WorkingTree.open('.')
+        self.assertEqualDiff('<<<<<<< TREE\n'
+                             'Hello, world\n'
+                             '||||||| BASE-REVISION 
+                             'hi world\n'
+                             '=======\n'
+                             'Hello.\n'
+                             '>>>>>>> MERGE-SOURCE\n',
+                             tree.get_file_text(tree.path2id('hello')))

^- need a blank line between tests

Given the option, I wouldn't do this, but I don't see a real way around 

I think, though, that if the flag is "--show-ids" then it would make 
sense to show all of the revision ids. For THIS and OTHER, and not just 

For details, see: 
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