[Bug 309309] Re: selftest can't be run in a bound branch

Marius Kruger amanic at gmail.com
Thu Dec 18 14:41:10 GMT 2008

2008/12/18 Vincent Ladeuil <v.ladeuil+lp at free.fr <v.ladeuil%2Blp at free.fr>>

>    >> I didn't follow the thread where this change was discussed, can
>    >> you summarize the rationale ?
>     Marius> for or against?
> Both :-) I'm personally quite neutral about this as long as the
> tests pass :)

I'm also neutral.

>    Marius> It might be possible in future
>    Marius> to _only_ do this if the master branch is also
>    Marius> local?!
> I don't think that's the right approach as :
> - you may not be able to easily test that the master branch is
>  local,

can't you check if it is using file transport?

> - if the nick is defined as being the master's one, so be it, but
>  'commit --local' tends to lose its interest if you can't use a
>  bound branch without being connected anyway.

hey, I fixed that!

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