[MERGE] [bug #256612] Don't require "user@" in HTTP(S) URLs that need auth

Ben Jansen aogail at w007.org
Wed Dec 17 18:58:25 GMT 2008

On Wed, 17 Dec 2008 13:30:00 -0500, Aaron Bentley <aaron at aaronbentley.com>
> Ben Jansen wrote:
>> This is my first bzr patch, so please let me know if I've missed any
>> required items.
> This appears to be a rich-root revision.  That makes it incompatible
> with the current format of the Bazaar source tree, which means it can't
> be merged.

Ah, I did not realize that merge directive files were dependent on the
repository format. Is that documented somewhere?

Once I recreate the merge directive from a branch with the same format as
the Bazaar tree, how should I proceed? Start a new merge request thread, or
reply to this thread with the new file?


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