merging unrelated branches

roehnsch at roehnsch at
Tue Dec 16 14:06:41 GMT 2008

Thanks for your answer.
But it doesn't work. I get this error:

bzr: ERROR: Branches have no common ancestor, and no merge base revision
was specified.

I think it's related to the fact that both branches started standalone,
without common ancestors. But I'm not sure, until someone throws a "no, it
won't work" my way ;)


> Maybe it's too simple but:
> - branch the foo branch
> - make a foo directory in the branched foo
> - bzr mv all files to directory foo
> - bzr commit
> - go to the bar
> - merge .../foo
> - bzr commit
> why wouldn't this work?
> cheers
> Willem

> roehnsch at schreef:
>> How do I bring the revisions stored in one branch into another, more
>> general branch? Both branches aren't related, i.e. share no common
>> revisions.
>> To be more precise. Given a branch foo with some revisions and a branch
>> bar, with completely different content. I'd like to have the working dir
>> files of 'foo' in a foo subfolder of the branch 'bar'. Also, the
>> revisions
>> connected to the foo branch should be available in 'bar'.
>> Is it even possible?
>> Thanks for any suggestions
>> Alexander

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