[MERGE] Clean up pull -v
Vincent Ladeuil
v.ladeuil+lp at free.fr
Fri Dec 12 11:48:58 GMT 2008
>>>>> "aaron" == Aaron Bentley <aaron at aaronbentley.com> writes:
aaron> Hi all,
aaron> This patch cleans up the operations used in pull -v, so that they don't
aaron> scale with the size of history, and so they're efficient with branch 6
aaron> and later branch formats. In particular, it uses
aaron> repository.get_revisions, and does not use Branch.revision_history.
That's warmly welcome !
aaron> Aaron
aaron> # Bazaar merge directive format 2 (Bazaar 0.90)
aaron> # revision_id: aaron at aaronbentley.com-20081212045246-mno3aaknnmgzmau9
aaron> # target_branch: http://bazaar-vcs.org/bzr/bzr.dev
aaron> # testament_sha1: e228f1d032dfa25e334e8b821c7b8f9c991fcc07
aaron> # timestamp: 2008-12-11 20:53:59 -0800
aaron> # source_branch: http://code.aaronbentley.com/bzr/bzrrepo/pull-log
aaron> # base_revision_id: pqm at pqm.ubuntu.com-20081212025611-838ms79rnxjl7yr2
aaron> #
aaron> # Begin patch
aaron> === modified file 'NEWS'
aaron> --- NEWS 2008-12-12 01:47:30 +0000
aaron> +++ NEWS 2008-12-12 04:52:46 +0000
aaron> @@ -97,6 +97,9 @@
aaron> asking for many texts that share ancestry, as the individual chunks
aaron> can be shared between versions of the file. (John Arbash Meinel)
aaron> + * ``pull -v`` uses new function ``bzrlib.log.show_branch_change``
aaron> + (Aaron Bentley)
aaron> +
Introducing a new public function in bzrlib.log is not.
bzrlib.log is already quite messy and includes many functions
that we should deprecate in favor in a move unified API around
show_log (there is a TODO in show_changed_revisions which you
didn't copy when you create show_branch_change).
At a minimum, I'd like your new functions to be private, we
*plan* to deprecate show_changed_revisions(), it would be good to
*not* add new functions that will need to be deprecated at the
same time.
aaron> bzr 1.10 2008-12-05
aaron> === modified file 'bzrlib/builtins.py'
aaron> --- bzrlib/builtins.py 2008-12-11 06:03:57 +0000
aaron> +++ bzrlib/builtins.py 2008-12-12 04:49:02 +0000
aaron> @@ -801,15 +801,8 @@
aaron> result.report(self.outf)
aaron> if verbose and result.old_revid != result.new_revid:
aaron> - old_rh = list(
aaron> - branch_to.repository.iter_reverse_revision_history(
aaron> - result.old_revid))
aaron> - old_rh.reverse()
aaron> - new_rh = branch_to.revision_history()
aaron> - log_format = branch_to.get_config().log_format()
aaron> - log.show_changed_revisions(branch_to, old_rh, new_rh,
aaron> - to_file=self.outf,
aaron> - log_format=log_format)
aaron> + log.show_branch_change(branch_to, self.outf, result.old_revno,
aaron> + result.old_revid)
Why don't you respect the log_format parameter here ?
aaron> +
aaron> finally:
aaron> branch_to.unlock()
aaron> === modified file 'bzrlib/log.py'
aaron> --- bzrlib/log.py 2008-11-27 03:18:40 +0000
aaron> +++ bzrlib/log.py 2008-12-12 02:43:42 +0000
aaron> @@ -1004,6 +1004,101 @@
aaron> search=None)
aaron> +def get_history_change(old_revision_id, new_revision_id, repository):
aaron> + """Calculate the uncommon lefthand history between two revisions.
aaron> +
aaron> + :param old_revision_id: The original revision id.
aaron> + :param new_revision_id: The new revision id.
aaron> + :param repository: The repository to use for the calcualtion.
aaron> +
aaron> + return old_history, new_history
aaron> + """
Very nice one, but until we carefully rewrite and review log to
know what should be public or not, please make it private.
aaron> +
aaron> +def show_flat_log(repository, history, last_revno, lf):
aaron> + """Show a simple log of the specified history.
aaron> +
aaron> + :param repository: The repository to retrieve revisions from.
aaron> + :param history: A list of revision_ids indicating the lefthand history.
aaron> + :param last_revno: The revno of the last revision_id in the history.
aaron> + :param lf: The log formatter to use.
aaron> + """
aaron> + start_revno = last_revno - len(history) + 1
aaron> + revisions = repository.get_revisions(history)
aaron> + for i, rev in enumerate(revisions):
aaron> + lr = LogRevision(rev, i + last_revno, 0, None)
aaron> + lf.log_revision(lr)
aaron> +
aaron> +
Clearly duplicate some code present in bzrlib.log.
Finally, show_changed_revisions() is also used by push, why not
upgrading it too ?
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