Repository and branch format descriptions - bug 264730

Andrew Cowie andrew at
Thu Dec 11 09:41:57 GMT 2008

On Wed, 2008-12-10 at 16:38 +0000, Paul Moore wrote:

> So remind me, who said that complaints that Bazaar has too many
> formats are misleading...? :-)

You know, I must say that I found reading John's email incredibly

I'm certainly one of the people who tears his hair out trying to
convince the Bazaar hackers that the user experience that results from
all this is disastrous (at least, relative to the original premise that
we all bought into that bzr would be "easy to use") and that if nothing
else the _user visible_ part of the format game needs do be drastically
culled -


I've also long had respect for the *capability* and *wisdom* of the
Bazaar hackers, and John's message very clearly describes a team who
have carefully evolved their work with a view to stability and
reliability over the long haul.

So, however exasperating it is to wait for bzr to reach the nirvana that
we all seem to think it will attain, I likewise continue to view it as
something I can trust, because I trust the people hacking on it. And
that ultimately is what differentiates it from the other 3rd gen DVCS
out there.

Anyway, if none of this format stuff was presented in the UI then
essentially none of us would know about it, and then none of us would
care about how many formats there were. I agree with Talden; a "move
forward" bias would be good.


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