Back on-line and working on Bazaar again

Ian Clatworthy ian.clatworthy at
Tue Dec 9 07:57:41 GMT 2008

Hi all,

As some of you may have noticed, I've been relatively
inactive in the Bazaar community in recent months. My
absence wasn't by choice - I've been battling cancer
via all the usual "fun-filled" ways: radiation therapy,
chemotherapy, surgery, more surgery, etc. The fun isn't
over but I'm pleased to report that my health has
improved enough to be back on-line daily. I therefore
hope to be around and contributing where I can once

Among other things, I hope to put some time into some
features I was working on before I got ill, e.g. EOL
handling and filtered views. I'll also be helping where
I can on performance and scalability, usability and reviews.
When time permits, I'll also continue my quest to make
Bazaar's documentation that best bar none.

A *lot* of discussion has occurred on the mailing list
while I've been sick so please forgive me - and politely let
me know - if I'm clearly unaware of the outcomes of various
debates held during that time. It's great to see that the
Bazaar community is still the friendly and highly active
place it's always been, but the email volume that results
in is scary at times like this!

Ian C.

PS: Thanks also to everyone who has contacted me over the
last 6 months wishing me well - it's meant a lot to me.

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