Loggerhead and its flat structure.....

Mikael Karlsson mikael.k.karlsson at axis.com
Tue Dec 9 06:41:55 GMT 2008

Martin Albisetti wrote:
>> Is there any way or plans to make Loggerhead show a hierarchical view of
>> trees?
> I don't quite understand what you mean.
> Are you using start-loggerhead or serve-branches?
> If you use serve-branches script, running it from a dir, you will be
> able to navigate directories and branches almost transparently.

I was using start-loggerhead, but then I tested serve-branches when I 
got this answer and yes it works. However, we have to run loggerhead 
through apache to be able to use authentication. When running 
serve-branches --host= --port=8080 it works fine with the 
hierarchical view, until  you want to view an actual branch, then apache 
doesn't proxypass anymore and you get the error message "cannot connect 
to", which is quite logical since its a remote server.. :)
I've hard to think that this is an Apache problem since it works fine 
with start-loggerhead?

It's also wierd that serve-branches and start-loggerhead behave 
differently when it comes to how to present data in the web browser?



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