Possibility of changing the message of an older commit

Stefan Monnier monnier at iro.umontreal.ca
Mon Dec 8 17:32:54 GMT 2008

> I was wondering if bazaar allows changes to messages and committed
> dates of older revisions. Like for example, I'm at revision 100 but I

IIRC there's a Trac ticket for this feature request.
Also IIRC the consensus is that the only reasonable way to implement it
is to provide some kind of "commit-override" data, so you can commit
revision 101 that includes an override to the commit-message-90.
Then `bzr log' simply needs to check the commit-override data whenever
it wants to print a commit message to see if it's been changed.

Proof-of-concept implementation should be pretty easy, but making it
reliable and integrating it in a way that satisfies everybody might be
fiendishly difficult.


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