Q: Use rebase to get around corrupted knit file?

Andrew Bennetts andrew.bennetts at canonical.com
Sun Dec 7 23:34:15 GMT 2008

Kevin Cole wrote:
> Oops. I take it back: That lock warning was actually merely the tail end of the 
> same problem: Namely, it cannot seem to get past the one corrupted file.  The 
> whole traceback is:
>   File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/bzrlib/knit.py", line 2537, in 
> _parse_record_header
>     % (version_id, e.__class__.__name__, str(e)))
> KnitCorrupt: Knit <bzrlib.knit._KnitAccess object at 0x8d01d0c> corrupt: While 
> reading {...-20070302012644-b26b4baa985aa020} got error(Error -3 while 
> decompressing: invalid distance too far back)

This is an error from the gzip library.  It seems that the gzipped data in that
knit record is corrupt, i.e. cannot be ungzipped.  If that's true I'm not sure
there's much that can be done to rescue the affected revision(s).  Unless you
have an uncorrupted backup?


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