BzrEclipse and CPU load

Robert Collins robertc at
Mon Dec 1 20:21:51 GMT 2008

On Mon, 2008-12-01 at 10:00 -0200, Guillermo Gonzalez wrote:
> As I mentioned, it's a bug ini bzr-eclipse. If the option "use text
> decorators" is enabled, bzr-eclipse 'll query the last revision of
> each file in the project, and the current implementation is far from
> be performance wise nor good enough.
> My first approach was to minimize updates and use a cache in the java
> side. Now I'm thinking that mybe makes sense to implement a helper
> xmlrpc call to do all the heavy lifting, and just return a list of
> tuples like (file, last_revision)

I think calling a single helper is much better, as every IDE will
probably want this, and not all IDE's are java.


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