thread names in urls (Re: Creating a branch other than master using bzr-git)

Robert Collins robertc at
Mon Dec 1 06:29:08 GMT 2008

On Mon, 2008-12-01 at 17:14 +1100, Martin Pool wrote:
> Anything that lives inside the url or filesystem namespace has the
> potential to clash with user-named objects.  (You can have a file
> whose relative path is spelled ''...)  I'm sure
> someone has committed a file somewhere called +foo but I think it's
> reasonably uncommon, and I believe '+' is not allowed on Windows.  We
> would need some kind of escape to handle them.  ':' and '@' are
> similar.

';' is the STD66 mechanism for giving parameters *to a url* (as opposed
to the request as a whole). Apache directory listings use this.;thread=foo/README

or even, if we assume only one type of lookup in a branch is possible we
could settle on a particular name like 'branch' and use that for all

FWIW, I think this looks nice.

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