bzr version numbers

John Arbash Meinel john at
Mon Dec 1 04:20:39 GMT 2008

Hash: SHA1

> You already know 1.5 was roughly 10-5=5 months ago (in fact, 6½).  I'm
> not sure if mapping to a precise date is a really compelling case, and
> I realize you weren't saying it is.

You can also always "vim NEWS<enter>/^bzr 1.5" and find out exactly when
it was released.

> We're unlikely to do major releases more than once a month, though we
> might do point releases.  There may be cases where we've released in
> the past on eg the 1st and 29th.
> Now, at the end of the year and having just gone in to a double-digit
> minor version (which causes some little confusion about 1.10 vs 1.2),
> could be a good time to change.
> Going 1.7, 1.8, 1.9 feels a bit like it's creeping along, whereas
> making them date-based makes a virtual of reliability.
> A couple of orthogonal points:
> I'd like to add code names so they have a bit more colour, and it's
> more memorable what happened in them.
> It's annoying that deprecations and format names need the version
> coded into the patch when they start, even though it's hard to tell
> what precise release they'll land in.  I guess we could change to
> "deprecated after $previous_release" and then it will at least be
> true, though maybe too loose; or we could search and replace for some
> token.
> Let's not bikeshed this; everyone has opinions from random projects.
> How about making the January release 9.1?

I would be okay with it, though it is a pretty major break from the
current scheme. I can agree that we don't have much cause for when to
release "2.0" but there is certainly something that people attach to
major.minor.micro release numbers.

We could keep the major and do "1.9.1" though that is re-using 1.9 again.

We could also extend the numbers, 1.10-20090102 sort of thing.

I'm not particularly in favor of 9.1, but I would be willing to go along
with it.

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