Please help Python team decide on a VCS

Ben Finney ben at
Fri Nov 28 21:24:49 GMT 2008

Howdy all,

The Python development team is currently drafting a PEP discussing the
move from Subversion to a modern VCS. The contenders are Bazaar,
Mercurial, and Git.

The PEP document is being drafted via Google Docs, and is currently at
<URL:>. Sadly I
can't see any way of contacting the authors; presumably the
‘python-dev’ mailing list would be appropriate.

Though Bazaar has made the cut for evaluation, it is currently the
least represented by information; most of the use cases have “fill in
this blank” markers waiting for actual information.

I would be delighted to see Bazaar chosen as the VCS for tracking
Python development; I hope someone can work with the relevant people
in the Python development team to improve this PEP with sufficient
information on Bazaar to make the informed choice.

 \       “For fast acting relief, try slowing down.” —Jane Wagner, via |
  `\                                                       Lily Tomlin |
_o__)                                                                  |
Ben Finney

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