[MERGE][1.10][#294479] Make InterPackRepo set the packer cache size even when there is stacking.

Andrew Bennetts andrew.bennetts at canonical.com
Thu Nov 27 23:18:00 GMT 2008

Andrew Bennetts wrote:
> This is a bit ugly, but it's the least intrusive fix I could see.  It would

This is an updated version of the patch.  It basically just adds comments.

Unfortunately the proposed smaller fix (from elsewhere in this thread: removing
the “or len(self.target._fallback_repositories) > 0” check from
InterPackRepo.fetch) still doesn't work; it now trips over Martin's new
consistency check because the regular InterPackRepo code doesn't know that it
needs to change some deltas to fulltexts in that case.

I agree with John & Robert that it would be nice if the transport layer took
care of the caching for us, but 1.10rc1 is nearly here and this is fairly severe
bug for affected branches.  So I think we should merge this patch as it's safe
and small (even if it is ugly), and look forward to ripping it out when we fix
things properly :)


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