[MERGE] "bzr help" mentions "bzr send"

John Arbash Meinel john at arbash-meinel.com
Tue Nov 25 15:36:46 GMT 2008

Hash: SHA1

Jelmer Vernooij wrote:
> Updated version to mention that "bzr send" sends changes via email, per Aaron's review.
> Cheers,
> Jelmer

So with Jelmer's patch, this is what 'bzr help' shows:

Basic commands:
  bzr init           makes this directory a versioned branch
  bzr branch         make a copy of another branch

  bzr add            make files or directories versioned
  bzr ignore         ignore a file or pattern
  bzr mv             move or rename a versioned file

  bzr status         summarize changes in working copy
  bzr diff           show detailed diffs

  bzr merge          pull in changes from another branch
  bzr commit         save some or all changes
  bzr send           send changes via email

  bzr log            show history of changes
  bzr check          validate storage

  bzr help init      more help on e.g. init command
  bzr help commands  list all commands
  bzr help topics    list all help topics

Which seems ok, but we have "bzr add" but not "bzr remove", and we have
"bzr check" which people don't actually run often. I'm wondering if we
don't want to remove 'check', include 'remove', and move 'log' to be
next to 'bzr status', since it is a similar introspection command. That
would give us:

Basic commands:
  bzr init           makes this directory a versioned branch
  bzr branch         make a copy of another branch

  bzr add            make files or directories versioned
  bzr ignore         ignore a file or pattern
  bzr mv             move or rename a versioned file
  bzr remove         stop versioning files or directories

  bzr status         summarize changes in working copy
  bzr diff           show detailed diffs
  bzr log            show history of changes

  bzr merge          pull in changes from another branch
  bzr commit         save some or all changes
  bzr send           send changes via email

  bzr help init      more help on e.g. init command
  bzr help commands  list all commands
  bzr help topics    list all help topics

Anyway, I'm okay with Jelmer's patch, though I'm a bit surprised we
don't have any tests that fail when you change the help message.


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