proof-of-concept: plugin for organizing set of bzr branches as complex project

Alexander Belchenko bialix at
Sun Nov 23 20:58:09 GMT 2008

John Arbash Meinel пишет:
> This certainly sounds interesting. I'm curious if you looked at
> config-manager which at least works in a similar way. (With a possible
> advantage that it speaks many different VCSs, so you could have one
> directory from SVN and another from BZR, etc.)

Thank you for reminder about this feature. I think my config file
can and should be easily extended to specify different VCS
for different components. So I'm reworking it this way and
make it VCS-agnostic. As result control directory renamed
to !scmproj.

> I think the reason that most systems version the file is so that you can
> get back exact snapshots from the past. (So you can get the exact
> configuration for your 1.0 release.) It is possible that versioning
> every revision is too often, but I would certainly suggest that you
> think about having a way to be very exact about what revision-ids you
> want to grab.

So, basically hg forest and git submodules keep under version control
snapshot of the project as map between components and their url+revision
info. I can do the same for my !scmproj, to save efforts.

> There are certainly 2 use cases
> 1) Give me the latest version of all the branches so I can get started
> and
> 2) Give me an exact snapshot so I can recreate the whole project as it
> existed in the past.
> Your solution sounds great for (1), and I'm curious if you have thought
> much about (2).
> John
> =:->

Thank you.

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