Problems with a gitosis port

Michael Hudson michael.hudson at
Sat Nov 22 10:11:07 GMT 2008

Adam Olsen wrote:
> I've been trying to port gitosis to bzr, and have run into a problem:
> bzr branch bzr+ssh://someuser@somehost/[pathtorepo]
> bzr does not appear to pass [pathtorepo] to ssh right away, it appears
> to only happen once the transfer has begun.

Indeed, on the transport level, it's just a connection to a given
server, and requests are made to various paths on it.

> Due to this, I can't
> think of a way to limit access to any of the repositories.

Well, that's a lack of imagination :)  The smart server process doesn't
interact with the file system directly, but rather with a transport.
The transport doesn't have to perform all the requests asked of it.
(This is how Launchpad works).

> Can anyone think of a way to get the [pathtorepo] information on the
> server side?  Would it be possible to write a plugin that would be
> installed on the client side that would send the information I need?

I'm not sure this is the way to go about it.


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