Experience of centralized workflow with NFS-mounted storage?

John Arbash Meinel john at arbash-meinel.com
Fri Nov 21 18:52:16 GMT 2008

Hash: SHA1


>> 1) We only use OS locks for *working trees*. So if you have a repository
>> + branches on NFS everything should work fine. What tends to break is
>> when your home directory is an NFS directory, because we use an OS lock
>> on one of the files there (.bzr/checkout/dirstate).
> Home directories will be local.

Sounds like as long as you go with only a shared repository + branches
on the NFS mount (without working trees) then there should be nothing
that *I've* heard of that would be a problem.

Especially with the current .pack format, we write out data to new
files, and don't modify existing ones, so problems with the NFS server
giving garbage, etc should not be a problem.

> bzr+ssh:// is the only acceptable option. We will also try bzr+https to
> see what is best.

bzr+ssh is generally used a lot more than bzr+https, because it requires
a lot less setup. (Install bzr on the remote host, and share the ssh
keys you normally have already set up anyway.)

Some people would rather not create a user account, and prefer using
.htaccess style of adding new users. (You can lock down the ssh account
to only allowing bzr access, there is an example script in

>> 5) I highly recommend using the latest repository format if you aren't
>> concerned about backwards compatibility. (--1.9-rich-root if you can,
>> - --1.9 otherwise)
>> I'll mention that we've been focusing a lot lately on how we scale to
>> very large projects, so I would expect at least one more repository
>> format update.
> We will go for 1.9, depending if there is a new release when everything
> is setup.

I'll just mention that the 1.9 disk format is not the default in the 1.9
bzr release. We try to introduce a new format at least 1 or 2 releases
before we make it the default, to make it easier for people to maintain
compatibility with existing projects. Using "bzr init-repo --1.9" is
probably all you need to do. (bzr branch/checkout preserve the source
format, etc.)


> We're glad to hear that and really appreciate all the information. We
> just want to gather as much information as possible so we dont implement
> something that we later have to change because it's not working. Also,
> if Bazaar and NFS turns out to be no problem the chances are good that
> we will move other projects to Bazaar too. We really dont like to
> manually sync data between servers like we are doing today.
> Regards
> Mikael
- From what you've said so far, I don't see how you would have problems
using Bazaar + NFS.

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