minor cosmetic log feature request
norris.x.pouhovitch at jpmchase.com
norris.x.pouhovitch at jpmchase.com
Mon Nov 17 20:50:29 GMT 2008
Howdy all,
We use the tags facility to keep track of production deployments, and
frequently the same exact revision of the code gets deployed to several
distinct systems, but not always to the same system,
and we would like to keep track of which systems and components were
affected by each deployment.
Because of that we frequently have more than a single tag for the same
revision, let me show you an example:
$ bzr log -r282 -l 1
revno: 282
tags: jss_escalation-jssdr01-p2-12550937,
jss_escalation-jssrpt01-p2-12550937, jss_secure-jssrpt01-p2-12550937,
committer: norris.x.pouhovitch at jpmchase.com
branch nick: jss
timestamp: Sat 2008-11-15 15:20:50 -0500
Updated escalation related configuration data in the database
and am merging these updates as well as exports of previous
items to the clean JSS tree.
In this case we had only four tags, in some cases the number of tags can
baloon to as many as 12 or more
It would be great if the bzr log function would display each tag on a
separate line, this way it would not matter how many tags any revision
had, or how long the tag names were, they would
still get displayed in an orderly fassion, something like this:
$ bzr log -r282 -l 1
revno: 282
tag: jss_escalation-jssdr01-p2-12550937
tag: jss_escalation-jssrpt01-p2-12550937
tag: jss_secure-jssrpt01-p2-12550937
tag: jss_secure-jssdr01-p2-12550937
committer: norris.x.pouhovitch at jpmchase.com
branch nick: jss
timestamp: Sat 2008-11-15 15:20:50 -0500
Updated escalation related configuration data in the database
and am merging these updates as well as exports of previous
items to the clean JSS tree.
I think the following should do it (well, it compiled and produced the
above output):
I have not read a single python coding spec, so my stab at it may not be
up to merging par,
but I hope that one of the regular contributors could perhaps make it up
to par and include it in the next
release if this feature makes sense to you guys.
$ diff log.py.1.9 log.py
< to_file.write(indent + 'tags: %s\n' % (',
> for mytag in revision.tags:
> to_file.write(indent + 'tag: %s\n' % mytag)
btw, great tool, been using it for a long time now, and it is only getting
better and better
great job guys
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