Complicated architecture

Yann Esposito yann.esposito at
Fri Nov 14 13:18:26 GMT 2008

Hi all !

I want your thoughts about how I can manage my branches. I didn't find
anything in the doc that could fulfill my needs.

I manage the development on three environments (different machine):
production(prod), test and development (dev).

I created a virtual branch called main which was based on the production a
long time ago and derived production, test and development from main. Now to
make a modification in the tree environment I branch from main and merge
from this new branch to each environment.

to resume "prod", "test" and "dev" are three branches derived from "main".

1 ) My first problem is:
it would sometime be easier to derive a "newdev" branch from the "dev"
branch and to make my tests within the "newdev" environment. But I don't
know how to report *just* the modifications from "dev" to "newdev" in
another environment (said test for example). Because, if I merge from newdev
to test, I will got too many modifications.

2 ) Sometimes I want a little subdirectory to be up to date on the three
environments. But it bother me to deploy all the tree (large) as I only want
to work on a very little part of the tree.
Now, my two solutions are :
1 - work with all the tree of "main", make my modifs only in the subtree and
merge on the tree environments
2 - make a non correlated branch and synchronize (with rsync) the subtree in
each environment.

I would want to know if you have another idea on how to manage only parts of
the tree. Or to make things a little more tricky. Version an entire tree and
synchronize only a little sub directory with sub directory of other

Thanks very much for any answer.

Yann Esposito (
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