[MERGE] Reading pack-names triggers 3 reads

Robert Collins robertc at robertcollins.net
Tue Nov 11 03:17:48 GMT 2008

On Tue, 2008-11-11 at 12:31 +1100, Robert Collins wrote:

> Largely performance testing; I like to dig into indices cheaply to see
> what the internal structure etc is; and having to dig up the size first
> to avoid thrashing the machine would be a nuisance - and like I said, it
> makes the API less predictable.

(do note - clearly I've managed to avoid needing this or I would have
tickled that bug. I think my primary objection is that for a
memory-capped index, reading arbitrary size files without specific
instruction, in one hit, is naughty at best).

GPG key available at: <http://www.robertcollins.net/keys.txt>.
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