yet another dvcs shootout (this time python-devel)

Paul Moore p.f.moore at
Thu Nov 6 09:58:34 GMT 2008

2008/11/6 Robert Collins <robertc at>:
> Well, network bandwidth perhaps:
> $ du -sh 3.0/.bzr/
> 212M    3.0/.bzr/
> How long does it take your network to copy 200MB of data?

Offhand, I've no idea. And it's irrelevant to the extent that whether
my network is slow or not, Mercurial and Subversion are usable for me,
where Bazaar is not. (Assuming I don't keep an updated local mirror of
the repo, but check out a new copy when I need it). We'd need
equivalent repositories to put that statement on a scientific basis,

(I'll see if I can concoct a sensible test of the bandwidth between and my home this evening. If I can, I'll post the results).


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