[RFC] Changing dotted revno numbering (was Re: Echoing a post: bzr vs. git)
Alexander Belchenko
bialix at ukr.net
Thu Nov 6 09:48:17 GMT 2008
Vincent Ladeuil пишет:
> A strong constraint on that additional info is that it should be
> branch neutral since revisions are shared between branches (so we
> can't just cache the dotted revno however stable it may be since
> it's a branch property and we get rid of that cache for
> performance reasons).
I don't understand this sentence. IMO using cache for known part of history
will helps a lot. Building cache from scratch is one time operation for
any branch and then such cache should be only updated (on pull).
There is possible weird situations (like pull/push --overwrite or uncommit)
that perhaps will force to invalidate such cache (completely or partially)
but it's not very often operation, it is?
So why you think local cache won't help? I don't understand.
There is very big need for annotation cache, for revid -> dotted revno map cache,
but bzr still has nothing.
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