[MERGE] Shelf 5 / 5

Stephen J. Turnbull stephen at xemacs.org
Sat Nov 1 10:33:45 GMT 2008

Vincent Ladeuil writes:

 > Wow, what a gold mine... I tested eshell a long long time ago,
 > thought the idea was interesting but... stopped there.
 > Re-trying with a more recent version changed the game.
 > Finally, after all this years, I will be able to use a *working*
 > shell on windows (when I need to go there).
 > Thanks a lot for that.

Pleased to hear it!

 > So let's forget about my fears for emacs support.


 > I now think that this new shelf should be plugged directly into
 > diff-mode

M-x all-hail-stefan RET


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