Echoing a post: bzr vs. git
Paul Moore
p.f.moore at
Fri Oct 31 15:43:02 GMT 2008
2008/10/31 David Cournapeau <david at>:
> Adrian Wilkins wrote:
>> I think it would actually be beneficial to support both models ; as it is,
>> making a new branch on the spur of a moment can consume a lot of disk
>> (and more
>> importantly, the time to copy the files), as you point out later on.
> Yep, but again, speed is not even the main issue. For example, let's say
> you are in a directory dir1 in b1, and you realize you need a new branch
> b2. In bzr:
> - cd shared_repository_dir
> - bzr branch b1 b2
> - cd b2/dir1
That's a good point. And if you are using a shared repo plus
lightweight checkouts (which I often see recommended as a way of
getting the performance/space benefits of shared repos, without the
restriction on directory structure) it's even worse:
cd shared_repository_dir
bzr branch b1 b2
bzr checkout b2 working_loc/b2
cd working_loc/b2/dir1
Particularly as shared_repository_dir and working_loc may not even be
close to each other in the filesystem (for me, typically, they would
be C:\Bzr\Project and C:\Data\work, or some such)
> For me, knowing that git works on windows without git is enough; I may
> be weird, but when I have to deal with windows (which I do quite often:
> I am the windows release manager of numpy/scipy), I just use the command
> line version of svn. I can't stand tortoisesvn.
I don't think you're that weird - in my experience, quite a lot of
people work happily on the command line in Windows (not just ex-Unix
developers, either :-)) and for these the command line bzr/svn/hg/...
is fine.
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