Windows support

Adrian Wilkins adrian.wilkins at
Wed Oct 29 15:07:53 GMT 2008

Hash: SHA1

I'll wave my flag again ; building a windows release is not a
significant effort, I have the relevant compiler configured and set up.

I build my own python-flavoured installers because historically I've
wanted to distribute my own patches ; at them moment, obviously, I do it
because the win32 releases lag behind the *nixoid releases.

I don't typically build the exe-flavoured installer, but I have most of
the setup for it ; what I haven't had success with is the TBZR stuff ;
I've got it to build, but it all crashed rather horribly and I wasn't
encouraged to try again. But I'd like to ; I think my user base would
find TBZR a boon, and again, Mr Hammond is a bottleneck (although a
fine, noble gentleman, he is alas a single fine noble gentleman, which
is no fault of his own).

I'm happy to build the installers for Python-flavoured, EXE-flavoured
(light) distributions, and the TBZR distribution when I'm convinced it
will actually work when I've built it.

Or alternately, I'm happy to contribute or set up a VM or some other
device to let Canonical do it. IMHO there is a requirement to set up
some kind of Windows machine that can run the unit tests in parallel to
the main PQM (as some kind of RPC service, perhaps) anyway ; it would be
a natural responsibility for this machine to take on building
distributions as well.

The relevant compiler can still be had ; licenses for the newer Visual
Studios entitle you to use all previous versions (as long as you can
place install media, not hard if you've ever had an MSDN subscription).
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