backslash in file names

Ben Finney bignose+hates-spam at
Thu Oct 23 11:32:36 BST 2008

"Marius Kruger" <amanic at> writes:

> I think it should even be possible to checkout with the bad names,
> it should probably change the \'s to _'s (make sure it doesn't exist, append
> a number if needed).
> It can even mark it as a rename automatically.
> You should then be able to rename it to something else if you dont like the
> name.

All of that sounds rather too much magic.

I think an implementation that simply fails an operation (and the
ability to correct the problem by a manual rename) if the filenames
aren't supported on the filesystem is quite good enough as a
resolution for this issue.

> I agree with Ben that it makes more sense to make them filesystem
> specific, a lot of people are using fat32 usb memory sticks, or work
> on mounted samba shares.

Yes, those use cases are quite common in my experience.

 \           “'Tis strange, — but true; for truth is always strange; / |
  `\    Stranger than fiction.” —“Lord” George Gordon Noel Byron, _Don |
_o__)                                                            Juan_ |
Ben Finney

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