[MERGE] allow recovering bad texts from knits

Robert Collins robertc at robertcollins.net
Tue Oct 21 10:46:14 BST 2008

On Tue, 2008-10-21 at 10:31 +0200, Vincent Ladeuil wrote:

>     robert> This patch adds a attribute and specific exception
>     robert> allowing this to be done.
> So it allows recovering bad texts from knits but how do you
> proceed from there ?

It depends on the issue; the particular thing I was debugging was where
the line delta applied to create a sensible inventory that differed
AFAICT only in the last-modified revision fields, and as such is
wellformed even though the sha is different.

A similar failure in a file text where the file is not line based is
much less likely to be amendable to recovery via this.

> bzr check is still failing with a backtrace which means we get
> only the first occurrence of the problem, how about the others ?

This patch doesn't alter checks behaviour at all. I use the feature it
gave me in fixing the branch that is problematic in bug 239499.

> And will bzr reconcile succeeds in such cases ?

Neither check nor reconcile are able to sensibly diagnose the
bad-basis-delta issue; I'm not sure a coded routine can reliably detect

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