[MERGE] Build zip file from 'make dist' and document this; also tweak standard announcement mail

Paul Moore p.f.moore at gmail.com
Mon Oct 20 09:54:36 BST 2008

2008/10/20 Martin Pool <mbp at sourcefrog.net>:
> It was recently requested by Eugene Wee that we build a source zip file.  They
> are indeed easier to deal with on Microsoft Windows if you don't have cygwin
> installed.  This changes 'make dist' to build one.

Was that request not for a *binary* zip? (I.e., a zipfile of the
executables that the Windows installer installs) That's certainly how
I read the request and it's what I added a "me, too" for.

I suspect that there are very few people who can build Bazaar who
cannot deal with a .tar.gz file, so I'm not sure a source zip has much
value over a source .tar.gz. On the other hand, some people (either
through access limitations or simply preference) aren't in a position
to use an installer for the binaries, and for them, an "unzip and go"
binary (even if it only provided the command line tools) would be


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