[MERGE] dont stacktrace on bad plugin versions

Marius Kruger amanic at gmail.com
Wed Oct 15 20:51:21 BST 2008


For background I did:
$ bzr branches bzr+https://me@someserver/bzr/myrepo/

which worked fine. then
$ bzr branches bzr+https://me@someserver/bzr/

threw a stack trace, but when it tries to make a message with all the plugin
for the user to be able to report a bug, it trows another exception :(

It turns out that one of my plugins (xmloutput) has a non-standard version
version_info = (0, 9, 0, 'dev')
which looks fine if you dont know better.

I could not find any place in the documentation which specifies what this
number should contain, so I added a little something.

I also thought that it'll be much nicer of us to rather format whatever is
in there
in stead of throwing our toys out of the cot.

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