A not so idle thought

Alexander Belchenko bialix at ukr.net
Mon Oct 13 12:36:11 BST 2008

Russel Winder пишет:
> In a shared repository though we have the same model as Mercurial and
> Git, lots of local branches in a single repository.  Have I just missed
> the gitk-like tool of Bazaar for managing these branches?  If I haven't
> I wonder if putting it on the road map a good move?  Should Olive-GTK be
> able to handle multiple branches at once? (At least in a shared
> repository.)

QBzr's qlog already able to show you log of all branches inside shared repo
(thanks to Gary van der Merwe who implement this). This is makes `bzr heads`
less useful for me now.

I have no idea does bzr-gtk's viz has this feature or not.

>  Should branches have more than one push branch recorded?

IMO, it should, and it's in my todo list for QBzr.

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