[MERGE][1.8?] Make 'bzr co' more memory sensitive

Vincent Ladeuil v.ladeuil+lp at free.fr
Sat Oct 11 08:51:51 BST 2008

>>>>> "Andrew" == Andrew Bennetts <andrew.bennetts at canonical.com> writes:

    Andrew> John Arbash Meinel wrote:
    Andrew> [...]
    >> If that is your only request, then I can submit the patch as is.

Yes it was. Merge ! :)

    >> (Note that I did work out a patch which adds an explicit
    >> test case, I just don't like it because it needs 100MB of
    >> ram and disk space, and takes 60s to finish.)

Great job. I agree with your conclusion that 60s is too long and
100MB too much though :)

    Andrew> That sort of test probably belongs more in the
    Andrew> usertest suite than “bzr selftest”.

Agreed. If nothing else it gives a data point as how much disk
and memory are consumed which open the door for other similar


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