case sensitivity on Windows

Martin Pool mbp at
Fri Oct 10 07:56:48 BST 2008

On Fri, Oct 10, 2008 at 3:40 PM, Robert Collins
<robertc at> wrote:
> On Fri, 2008-10-10 at 10:20 +1100, Mark Hammond wrote:
>> > (NTFS can represent this quite sanely... pity about the API's)
>> I would consider such a case to be truly exceptional, because as you
>> mention, you can't use the APIs to do that.
> Users of SFU can create them though - and they can run bzr natively
> there, so I don't think we can be entirely blazé about this.

The wiki spec for this says that bzr will determine whether to use
case-insensitivity logic at runtime, not based on the platform or
filesystem type, but on whether opening a file (eg checkout/FORMAT)
under different case is possible or not.  So in this situation, it
presumably would observe the filesystem as being case-sensitive, and
will be able to handle both files sanely.

If the same filesystem is accessed sometimes in a case sensitive way
and sometimes not (whether on NT with SFU or maybe on a Samba share)
then we can't do the impossible, but we can have every bzr process
behave consistently within itself.

Martin <>

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