how do I commit somewhere other than onto a tip?

John Arbash Meinel john at
Thu Oct 2 23:13:32 BST 2008

Hash: SHA1

Vincent Broman wrote:
> I think I need the capability to commit versions that are not
> successors of a tip revision, e.g. I want to commit a new version
> which should be placed in between two successive versions already committed,
> or else to place it ahead of all the other versions, as a new version 1.
> It might even be a new branch off some parent version in the past.

You may want to look at the "bzr-rebase" plugin. Which effectively has
you do:

bzr branch current -r LAST new
cd new
bzr commit -m "This is the real LAST+1"
bzr replay -r LAST+1 ../current
cd ..
rm -rf current; mv new current

Basically, you create a new branch, from what you consider the correct
base. Then you commit the new version, and replay the old revisions.
This will generate a new set of revisions, but they should match the others.

This may not work exactly as you want, as I think replay (and rebase in
general) try to apply them as *patches* when really you want them
applied as snapshots.

There are other ways that you could script something like this, though I
wouldn't guarantee how fast it would be.

It seems like an interesting problem, though.


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