[MERGE][bug 276868] Blacklist pyrex

John Arbash Meinel john at arbash-meinel.com
Wed Oct 1 23:15:00 BST 2008

It seems that pyrex fails to properly compile the new iter_changes
code that Robert wrote. The code it generates re-uses a "local" pointer and
calls "PY_DECREF" after having set it to NULL. (It mixes PY_XDECREF which is
NULL safe with PY_DECREF which is not.)

This just adds an explicit blacklist for all pyrex compilers < for that

One alternative is to set "have_pyrex = False" instead, and issue a note that
we won't generate any of the .c files for old versions of pyrex.

For now, this was the "minimal" change I could do.


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