usertest notes

Martin Pool mbp at
Fri Sep 26 01:25:58 BST 2008

On Thu, Sep 25, 2008 at 1:11 PM, Robert Collins
<robertc at> wrote:
> I thought I'd put some notes up on usertest...
> All the logs are at
> This is a long list, perhaps the last 30 days only, with by-month
> subdirs after that would be useful ?

I've moved the existing logs, changed the script to put them into
subdirectories, tweaked the IndexOptions so the names are more
readable and linked them from the top page.

> test run every 6 hours, and pull in new content in the measured
> branches.
> All the canonical staff that hack on bzr can trigger manual tests if
> needed, and add or remove branches to test.
> Anyone's branch that is performance related can be tested.
> Current highlights;
> the readdir acceleration improvements seem to have had an effect -
> status and diff are notably faster.

Yes, it looks like they're now being built properly.

> log has slowed down since 1.3
> log-one-file has got faster
> (grain of salt - you need to check the scenarios to know what
> circumstances they are really testing).

The scenarios are taken from the bzr-usertest plugin, which is
documented in loving detail here
and more scenarios would be useful.

Martin <>

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