[rfc] NEWS handling

John Arbash Meinel john at arbash-meinel.com
Tue Sep 23 15:28:26 BST 2008

Hash: SHA1

Robert Collins wrote:
> On Tue, 2008-09-23 at 11:58 +1000, Martin Pool wrote:
>> I think it should be something where somebody e.g. generating the html
>> documentation or building a package off a random branch can generate
>> NEWS without needing any special help from pqm.
> I was intending it to still be a versioned file - that lets it be
> tweaked and edited when appropriate.
>>> I
>>> just don't want to have to edit another branch to fix a 'it missed
>>> RELEASE, put it in RELEASE+1's section'.
>> And I guess you're also wanting to avoid needing to resubmit because
>> of an accidental conflict in merging NEWS.
> Yes.

So in my mind, something like "BRANCH_NEWS" would work here, right? So
each branch could have its own versioned news entry, and then at submit
time PQM would take that value and push it into the overall NEWS file.
Or perhaps a DEVEL_NEWS/ directory, and any new entries in there will
get brought in?

(The advantage of a directory with custom named files is less chance to
accidentally conflict at merge time.)

I certainly like the idea. We've talked about variants of it before.

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