Using bzr-svn to track multiple svn upstream branches
Stefan Brüns
stefan.bruens at
Mon Sep 22 16:01:23 BST 2008
Hi everyone,
I would like to track multiple svn branches (namely trunk and a feature
branch). The feature branch is based on trunk, but does not follow trunk
closely. I would like to have a local branch cherrypicking of the feature
branch, following trunk as close as possible, and do my own development on
top of this local branch. I do not have commit access to the upstream branch.
The result would be something like this:
+- feat-branch(upstream)
| v
+- merged-feature-branch (private) <-> private development branch
Is this possible to do with bzr-svn? The documentation only mentions tracking
a single upstream branch and having a private branch based on this.
What I want to achieve is to let bzr detect merges in the upstream branch and
trunk, and detect local changes which have been merged upstream (manual patch
Does bzr-svn detect it is the same upstream repository if I do:
bzr co upstream-trunk
bzr co upstream-feature
How do I create a local branch based on both upstream branches? If one of
those two branches gets updated, will my local branch be updated as well?
Stefan Brüns / Bergstraße 21 / 52062 Aachen
mailto:lurch at
phone: +49 241 53809034 mobile: +49 151 50412019
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