
Alexander Iljin ajsoft at
Mon Sep 22 13:26:37 BST 2008


  I've got a question about the svn:externals support. Is it
  supported or are there any movements being made in that direction?
  If it is not supported, then what can I do to emulate it in Bazaar?

  I've got several projects, all of which depend on a platform
  library. Naturally, all the projects and the library are in a their
  own separate repositories. I need to be able to specify exactly
  which revision of the library is to be used to build each
  application. With svn:externals I can checkout a WC of the
  application source, and it will be automatically populated with the
  appropriate version of the library. Is it possible to do so with

  Please, don't get me wrong, I'm not asking for "svn:externals"
  support in "bzr-svn", I'm ready to  switch to Bazaar completely if I
  can achieve a satisfactory level of automation for this task, just
  give me a hint. Basically I'd like to checkout a folder with
  (ignored?) subfolders from different repos.

  PS: I use GNU Make to build the apps, so I'm ready to employ a
  script to create the necessary layout and/or checkout the library.

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