[MERGE][bug #242510] Move all pack ops into a single pack

Robert Collins robertc at robertcollins.net
Fri Sep 19 23:37:08 BST 2008

This will also close bug 172644, which I filed to suggest changing to a
single pack, because its better :). Thank you for taking the time to
experiment with both fixes.


I think that using "I" in an assertion message is pretty confusing.

the loop creating the packs can be simplified if you want to, but doing
it this way is ok too - even very big repositories only have a modest
number of revisions.

Finally, rather than commenting that we can do one-thing or another, why
not just comment more simply:
# Generate a single pack operation of all the too-loose packs we have 
# selected.

(Other people reading the code don't know the history, and its not
particularly relevant to understanding why this approach is better - its
better because its a single operation. Referring to the less good way is
useful if people are likely to willy-nilly revert it, but thats what
tests are for IMO).

GPG key available at: <http://www.robertcollins.net/keys.txt>.
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