Using version-info data with multi-branch packaging workflow

Ben Finney bignose+hates-spam at
Fri Sep 19 13:00:30 BST 2008

John Arbash Meinel <john at> writes:

> Ben Finney wrote:
> > Can anyone show me an example of a code base that *is* using
> > 'version-info', creating source tarballs, and packaging them with
> > Debian?
> We build the tarball using "make dist". And it would be pretty trivial
> to add a '' file. We already add the bzrlib/*.c files.
> You can look at our Makefile:

Okay, one significant difference I see is that I'm using setuptools,
while Bazaar uses distutils directly.

> dist:
>     version=`./bzr version --short` && \
>     echo Building distribution of bzr $$version && \
>  	        expbasedir=`mktemp -t -d tmp_bzr_dist.XXXXXXXXXX` && \
>  	        expdir=$$expbasedir/bzr-$$version && \
>     tarball=$$PWD/../bzr-$$version.tar.gz && \
>     $(MAKE) clean && \
>     $(MAKE) && \
>     bzr export $$expdir && \
>     cp bzrlib/*.c $$expdir/bzrlib/. && \
>     tar cfz $$tarball -C $$expbasedir bzr-$$version && \
>     gpg --detach-sign $$tarball && \
>  	        echo $$tarball done. && \
>     rm -rf $$expbasedir

Thanks for that.

I tried something similar, but the mammoth chain of commands got too
fragile and difficult to test.

So, I wrote a separate 'make-dist-tarball' program for the project,
using Bash shell. That turned out to be annoyingly difficult to craft
robustly, getting into the intricacies of updating the version-info
module only when needed and failing gracefully.

So I started again, trying to extend setuptools 'sdist' command to
discover the appropriate files; but that was even *more* baroque. The
love/hate relationship continues with that tool.

So my current implementation is a 'make-dist-tarball' written in
Python and making use of 'bzrlib'. This program gets invoked from the
'dist' target in the make rules.

The branch, in case anyone's interested. is online at

My main regret is that this separate 'make-dist-tarball' process makes
the setuptools 'sdist' command useless, which means I can't use
'python register sdist upload' to easily get a new version to
the Cheese Shop.

 \                              “Holy polar ice sheet, Batman!” —Robin |
  `\                                                                   |
_o__)                                                                  |
Ben Finney

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